Monday, August 25, 2008

Really Good Cause

Stephanie Nielson is the author of NieNie Dialogues. I've been by to visit a few times and was simply captivated by her pictures and beautiful outlook on life and family.

I was so terribly saddened when I found out Stephanie and her husband Christopher were in an airplane crash Saturday, August 16th.
The Nielson's are parents to 4 children (ages 1-6) and live in Arizona. They are both hospitalized with severe burns and have months and months of recovery ahead of them. With hospital bills going into the millions.

I cried deeply as I read her sister Jane's account of the family's experience with this tragedy. And checking out NieNie's blog afterwards made me ache. I held my kids a little longer on Saturday and made eye contact with Wil whenever we spoke. You never know what will happen. And I have a renewed sense of love and appreciation for the people I am blessed to know.
There is so much happening to help the Nielson Family.
First and foremost they ask for sincere prayers. Saying It Simply will be participating in DesignMom's Auction Idea on Thursday August, 28th.We will post items on which you may bid. All money will be donated to the Nielson Family.

Can you help, too?

Read one post by NieNie and you'll feel like a friend needs you.

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