Thursday, May 22, 2008

He can't read my mind

I knew it was trash day. I know it's trash day every Thursday. I am even savvy of the fact the moment I awake...
Yet, instead of reminding Wil the cans need to be hauled to the curb, I test him. He leaves before the truck rounds the corner and after ALL OF OUR NEIGHBORS have depoited their receptacles at the curb. So, I assume he will notice.
The collectors came early today. I had to run after them shouting offers of $$ and services if they would kindly return to empty the cans....
My frantic take out the trash episodes happen every week, because I first want to see if Wil can remember on his own and secondly, even though I hope it will happen, he can't read my mind.
WHY do I do this?


Unknown said...

Don't feel bad Kris...Adam and I haven't mastered the marital telepathy either. Every Wednesday I am put into a panic by the sound of the garbage truck and hopeful that they are still across the street and not in front of my house.

Danielle Christiansen said...

Wow! that would be something if men could read our minds. i can imagine a lot of wonderful things happening then. But of course we would have to have some sort of blocking button so they could not read the thoughts we didn't want them to hear. lol.

JoAnna said...

he he. Great test. This post nails marriage on the head!

Jess said...

I love that story! A while back when I picked Luke up from school and we rounded the corner the same time as Mr. Garbage Man-- he was so anxious to see if your cans were out, and very relieved when they were!

I made Sean go running out that morning too. What is up with 7:30 pick-up. Honestly!!