Monday, March 10, 2008

How does this keep happening to me?

I actually do like having something to write about... This was harder than I thought it would be... and it is rather lengthy....go ahead and skim, but you better let me know you looked at it! Sorry for the typos...

20 years ago: i was much younger! wandering aimlessly in st. george; 14.... uh..... wanting a boy 3 years older than me and driving him crazy with always being around, sorry Bry; seriously goofing off with April and Zann; really can't remember much more...
10 years ago: ohhhh 24. just bought our first house (holy crap) in surprise, az; working for the post office and keeping joel from school work as much as possible; got tattoo'd (do you know where it is?) for our 3rd anniversary; got myself knocked up with's almost 10 years to impregnation; loving the heat in AZ.
5 years ago: mother to two boys; bought our 2nd house in pleasant grove; volunteering at a preschool so Jack could go for free; sporting a super sweet scar across my neck where half of my thyroid was removed; convinced I was a complete woman with my 3 guys;
3 years ago: THIS IS ACTUALLY A 3-4 year reliving, Found myself pregnant again and swore up and down it was an accident, but truth be known.... Kourtney had called to tell me she was with child and I caught the bug~ kourt figured my cycle and OOPS, Joel-katey's a comin'... got myself a girl. she was due on halloween. Not wanting to screw up my very most favorite holiday, I scheduled to be induced 6 days early. (see, I am so selfish) As soon as she was born, we put our house up for sale for a move to Omaha ~somewhere in middle America... but moved to Minnetonka, Mn, instead. Made my first grown-up BFF's. Tammy, Myriam, Jen.... miss you more than you know.
1 year ago: ok....1-2 years ago....Bought ourselves our 3rd house, back in Utah. (we go where Joel is desired); on a whim and I mean by the seat of my pants, started Saying It Simply with Kourt, my bestest BFF ever. Need I say more?
So far this year: emailed potential customers for saying it simply; started blogging; became seriously addicted to blogging and checking for comments~ come on, peeps, let me know you are out there. even if you don't know me at all. we could be friends~; happy to have "IT" (from saying IT simply) back home~welcome back, kell! made a new year's rez to attend anything I am invited to... met my new BFF's Jennifer, Jennifer and Jessica (didn't know you were, did you girls?) broke my Nikon d50:(
Yesterday: emailed potential customers for saying it simply; brain busted with Kourt on up & coming goodies for S.I.S.; listed orders for S.I.S.; dinner w/dalley's and g'pa and g'ma hartung; worked hard at helping Jack on a book report; talked to April for 1 minute about blogging-
Today: emailed potential customers for saying it simply; hoping to get an A on a book report for jack's 3rd grade class; shooting the breeze with Jennifer for 20 mins about Scentsy and stuff (yum);saw Bevany @Target; bought Katey a super-styled hoodie; tried to saw wood for major orders in the IN box; picked up the snow shovel from the middle of my yard-we are so white trash wanna-be's; bought a new pocket camera so I can update the blogs.

Okey dokey.... April, Rachel, Erinne, Kelli, Chrissy, Marian and Dad, Christina, Jennifer, Jennifer, Jessica, Woo and whomever may want to... I want you to leave comments that you ARE doing this for me! If you don't have a blog- get on it! gracias.


april hickman said...

Ok, now I'm stressed. Don't you Know that I'm theeeee worst typer in the world? This will take me hours I'll try to do it tomorrow but I don't have it in me tonight! But can I just say,I love keeping in touch with you this way.
Love ya,

Chrissy said...

I will do this because I am probably as addicted to blogging as you are and it is always nice to have something to write about.

simply kris said...

Yeah! least I know you are trying-remember watching DAYS Of Our LIVES after school at your house? :) happy to learn more about you!
Kourtney...thought you were my commenter. still waiting... I would really like to get to know you better, since we're sisters and all!

Knowlton Mom said...

OK, I'm doing this, but it's going to take a bit...I'm getting old and it's hard to think back that far...J/'s trying to find the time...I actually started - but only got so far as 10 years ya know - I enjoyed reading yours and Kourtney's though. Funny how time flies but is also just a thought away.

bevany said...

Yay! I'm glad you did it. It was very fun to read...and I love that I was in it!!!

Jess said...

That was a great recap of your last 20 years crammed into one blog. Loved it!