Wednesday, March 12, 2008


HiDeouT Business... I want heat!!!! I want Sun!!!! I want a vacation!!!!I want to play outside!!!! I do not get up for school!!! I do not want to do homework!!!! I do not want to get sick!!! so says the PRESIDENT.

The Recruiter is ready to start her Spring Marketing campaign for HIDEOUT initiations. This will include chalk drawings on the driveway; a small parade around the neighborhood in her camo-green, jeep, all styled in the latest hip decals-provided by Saying It Simply. (Santa brought a Go-Diego-Go power-wheel vehicle, but The President has made it an oh-so-cutesy cruiser); there will be a daily fashion show for summer's hottest swimwear; and she can be found sporting tanks and shorts almost everyday. It breaks my heart to tell her a storm is brewing...
The Factuary, poor guy, stated this morning he will not be able to further his education today on account he has a headache. I wish it was only a headache-he's down for the count. I KNOW there is something wrong when the WII does not bring about a smile.
The Entertainer gave a stellar performance during his oral report on FABLEHAVEN yesterday. And this was without notes. I found his prompting cards on the kitchen counter shortly after he left for school. I was able to get them to him around 11 am, only to find out he had opted to retell the tale to his classmates without the cards. Mrs. B informed me, he did perfectly and received, I think, 95% on the project. Way to go, Jack!
The King and Queen of the HiDeouT absolutely hate daylight savings time. Experiencing the most difficult adjustment period to date. My eyes see 7 am but my brain, stubborn as it is, knows it is/was 6am. That is much too early to wake up happy.


kourtney said...

AMEN on the daylight savings. I can't fully function now until 11 it used to be 10 and I was quite proud of that, but now there's no excuse.

kourtney said...

Sorry to say that you are showing signs of Pointy Knee, Big Feet, and Water-wading syndrome. I hope they can find a cure!

simply kris said...

That was so totally obscure, I had to giggle!

bevany said...

I need the sun, too. Why are we living in Utah?? I guess I don't need a bunny after all...Mia thinks she needs some birthday presents instead. Her birthday is next week. Maybe next year :(

Jess said...

Oh I hope little Luke is doing better! I sure missed seeing him in Mrs. P's class today. I just wasn't the same!

I've decided that I hate the Spring Ahead term now! I'm definitely not springing, more like dragging.. UGH!

Amen for summer. Please come quickly sun.

Jess said...

(I meant-- "it" just wasn't the same, but I guess I wasn't either ;)