Sunday, March 8, 2009

Only 3 teeth? Really?

I'm a foster parent. We were going to do the full out adoption but thought it best to do a trial run before we add a permanent addition to the fam.

I am a cat person. This is my fav of fav's in the kitty colony.

A Russian Blue.

My first Russian Blue was adopted in Arizona. His name was Rasputin, (I know. I am so clever!) He was part of our fam for 6 years.... got sick 2 weeks before Luke was born and passed away.

Wil decided it was time to get me a new one. (Petting a cat is terribly therapeutic for my anxious behavior.)
While searching the web and local shelters, we came across Manfred. ~ Terrible name, but that can be changed. They told me they didn't have all of his particulars in the computer, but thought he was just over a year old. He can be adopted for $50. Perfect.

This is where I lower my proverbial bar...

He is 9 years old. 9!!!!
And he has 3 teeth. 3?!?!?!? Only 3?!?!?!
AND, because of his age, (probably won't be with us for long...) I can adopt him for $25. Ummmmm, we'll foster. It's FREE.
Let's see how he meshes with the fam... he's hiding behind the dryer. He will come out but ONLY for me. Does not want to play with the Entourage... he's sweet but terribly skittish.
Kids want to play; He can't chew food.
Looks like I'm running the Beehive Home for felines.
Hansen's Hospice for Geriatric Critters.

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